Genezis Austria

Leasing company

Austria November 20, 2018




100 million €


The company is a part of the Genezis Investment Group holding.

The main line of business is leasing and renting equipment. Genezis Austria has its own fleet of special vehicles, which consists of more than 50 units.

Genezis Austria is a leasing company that cooperates with a variety of suppliers, monitors current trends and looks for any ways to offer its customers the most favorable financing terms.

Genezis Austria sets itself the following tasks:

  • Assist clients in expanding their business
  • Create leasing programs for buyers with different income levels
  • Expand the leasing portfolio and partner network,
  • Expand your own fleet of special vehicles for renting


From the economic point of view, it is often not profitable for construction companies to maintain the entire fleet of construction equipment necessary for a full cycle of work.

It is more convenient and more profitable to rent a piece of equipment or buy it under a leasing agreement.

Rent saves the customer's funds, since he uses it only in the required period of time.

As for leasing, leasing programs are becoming more popular all over the world. Leasing is a financial service for individuals and legal entities that allows you to purchase a specific facility (equipment, real estate, equipment, etc.) without excommunication from the turnover and with the right of subsequent repurchase. It is more profitable to buy an object in leasing than, for example, to issue a loan. The volume of construction around the world is growing, respectively, and the need for construction equipment, too.

Therefore, our group of experts defined this area as potentially profitable for investment. Genezis Investment Group provided the necessary funding for the project.